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Showing posts from February, 2015

Highgate Men's Pond

The Swimmer February 2015

Highgate Men's Pond

Mentally cold Saturday morning 'swim' with GB.

Highgate Men's Pond

Water temp: 2 degrees It's Thursday afternoon. I'm at work in Camden Town. From my window I spy a cold, grey Thursday afternoon. I sort of promised myself a swim in the men(tal)s pond today. I might just change my mind on that one. I'll have a think. Before you can say 'change my mind' I find myself pulling up at the mentalist pond on my bike. I tell myself that it's gonna be cold, but it'll be worth it, that's what I say. The sun has come out, I mean really come out. The sky is blue, feel the warmth. 'It's still gonna freeze your nuts off', quips Dan as I psyche myself up for the ordeal. Brrrrrrutal is all I can say. I can't say I enjoyed the swim. I felt a bit vulnerable and lonely out there in the wilds of Hampstead Heath, luckily I had Dan to look over and laugh at me. I can definitely say it was worth it. Priceless.