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Parliament Hill Lido

Early morning swim.

Dropped DW off at school on the tandem, bumped in to DT and gave her a lift to work. Sped over to the Heath borrowing £2 off George on the way. By this time the sun had finally got it's act together.

Anyway, the sign said 14 degrees so I borrowed a swim hat (more like a water polo hat) from the very nice staff. it was one of those mornings.

I dived in. The coldness of water really took my breath away. Swam a couple of lengths to warm up. Ended up lying in the shallow end with my head on the side, wallowing in the sunshine. My body went in to emergency what the hell you doing mode and my head just kind of went all trippy. Amazing feeling. Swam a few more lengths and cycled home.

A great start to the day.