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Parliament Hill Lido

Water temp:  8 degrees

Yep, still at it. I was feeling pretty virtuous after virtuoso performance at Parkrun this morning, well that's almost true, I thought I was going to die after lap one.

Score on the Lido doors said eight degrees? My heart sank, that's too cold for me, that's one less than nine, it's too cold. A kind person offered me their swimming gloves and socks, I gratefully accepted. No way was I gonna dive in so I tried entering the pool at the shallow end, too cold. A strange but rational voice inside me suggested I should enter by the steps about a third of the way up the pool, that worked before, seemed reasonable enough.

It was beyond cold, luckily the sun was shining, not sure if the gloves and socks helped with the cold, I found them difficult to swim in but that may have just been the cold. I managed three lengths then returned socks and gloves and hurried off to the Mecca of all showers.

Thanks to the lady who offered me green tea.

Photo: unusual love affair in london