Down in sunny Dorset for second week of Easter holidays.
Wake up sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed, it's a beautiful Friday. Lazy old sun is making an unscheduled appearance. Somehow I know the walk over the cliff tops from Lulworth Cove will end up with me in the sea. As I cross the pebbly beach bare foot I hear a voice inside me exclaim/protest, 'Why do I do this?'
Very cold, short but exhilarating swim, even managed to get my head under the water.
'What compels me to do this?' I ask GF. 'I even asked myself why I do this as I got in the sea'. My companion looks at me resignedly and replies, 'I heard you ask yourself.' Obviously the voice inside me is getting louder.
A stunning part of the world. This is mine and this is good.
What an absolute ding dong.