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Parliament Hill Lido

Sunday morning dip with DW, cousin Bobby and Auntie Caroline. Pool has been divided in to three, one big fat lane for serious, shallow end for fun and deep end for showing off and diving. Very hot, very lovely. First outing for new Fred Perry swim shorts.

Highgate Men's Pond

Emergency roasting hot Saturday afternoon swim. Place was deserted. Nice.

Highgate Men's Pond

After work dip. Not swam much here this summer. Place was pretty deserted this evening. Bit of a surprise after such a lovely day. There again there is a sign on the gate warning swimmers of blue algae. Swam under this beautiful sunset. Cycled up to the top of Kite Hill and drank cold, fizzy lager and gazed across London for an hour. Rolled down the hill and in to the Garden Gate for beers with JR.

River Ouse, Barcombe Mills

Water temperature: pretty chilly Family day out in Sussex. Led by the intrepid uncle Fran, DW, DD(AST) and yours truly braved the chilly waters of the River Ouse near Barcombe Mills Now, if I was Roger Deakin I would paint a picture in your mind with descriptions of wildlife and ecology. Since I was born in Kentish Town I'll let you know it was cold and full of nature. Managed a bit of crawl, mostly breaststroke, you need to see where you're swimming in the wild. We swam against the tide for about 700m. Really lovely thing to do on a Sunday afternoon. Thanks Mr Davies. Drove back to Lewes for a double helping of roast dinner followed by two portions of Harry Potter. View Barcombe Mills in a larger map I'm not dead yet and I haven't got a stomach ache so all is well.

Pells Pool, Lewes

Water temperature: perfect Score: ۞۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ The watery hand of fate found me in Lewes at 5pm on Saturday. Vowed to visit this outdoor pool earlier in the year Oldest outdoor pool in the country, celebrating 150 years this summer (when will it be summer?). Had the pool pretty much to myself. Swam slap bang down the middle. Swam 35 of the 46m lengths before chatting to the nice man in the ticket office and a couple of the Lewes locals. Fantastic place loving cared for by the people of Lewes.

Parliament Hill Lido

Water temperature: 17 degrees Woke up to grey sky threatening pissy/spitty type rain. Hey, it wasn't raining, gotta take your chances. Managed to forget the wash bag that I'd found in my shed so borrowed hat and goggles from the more than helpful staff. Swam a very accomplished 12 lengths. One of the regulars asked me if was planning to swim through the winter. I didn't exactly say no but there again didn't say yes either. We'll see, my season ticket expires in November.

Parliament Hill Lido

Water temperature: 18 degrees Sunday morning recovery from Saturday night madness at 62. The rain stopped long enough for me to swim a mile. Enjoyment hampered by leaking goggles. The regulars huddled in the cafe out of the rain. Cycled home to start the bbq.