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Piscina Municipal d'Ulldecona, Spain

Score:   ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ Visiting outlaws in sunny Spain. The  reservoir is empty so it's time to hit the local pool before lunch. Lovely community pool, water is warm and clean and sparkly. Perfect place to cool down. The green stuff around the pool is astroturf left over from when they laid the new football pitch, good thinking civil minded person. Dived and splashed around and ate Cheetos, the perfect pre-dinner swimming snack, free tattoo in every pack, well I thought I looked cool with my blue dolphin on my bicep. A few drops of rain, the locals scattered and the pool was empty. Time for dinner. Fantastic. Great atmosphere. Good times.

Alcocebre, Spain

Poolside Percy is on holiday.

Greenbank Pool, Street, Somerset

Wow, outdoor pool heated to 30 degrees, tropical times in Somerset. Beautiful art deco frontage. Score:   ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ You lucky, lucky people.

Figheldean Mill Pond

Roasting hot day in London, about 31 degrees. I'm on my Vespa burning down the A303 towards Somerset. Thanks to the Outdoor Swimming Society I've found myself an outddor swimming hole to cool off in. Apparently 'Figheldean Mill Pond is first mentioned in the Domesday Book, and there was a mill here right up until the late 1950s when it was demolished.' Sounds perfect. Anyway, after driving round in circles for a bit I found the sacred spot. Amazing, sun was setting behind the trees. I swam out in to the cold pond, it's much cooler than the men's pond. The flow of the river pushed me back, I didn't fight against it. Splashed about and ducked my head in a few times. I heard my veggie sausages rolls calling me from the bank, washed them down with some Irn Bru, I felt rejuvenated. Rolled on through Wiltshire towards Somerset.

Highgate Men's Pond

Water temp: 21 degrees After work swim. Beautiful evening but still felt a bit gloomy after yesterday's events at The Lido. Decided to see if I could swim a lap around the perimeter rope, front crawl, non-stop. Swam anti-clockwise, not sure if there's wrong way or a right way, maybe someone could let me know, I seemed to be in a small minority, Midnight Express? Job done, lap completed, duathlon not looking so daunting. Left my wash bag and goggles behind.* Found a good blog about the ponds * Went back next day, bag was where I left it. Nice. Photo: cold pond water

Parliament Hill Lido

Bad, bad day at The Lido: Camden New Journal Very tense. Knife and fist fights. Escorted my son home then went and found sanctuary in The Men's Pond.

Parliament Hill Lido

Water temp: 19 degrees Oh yes. Monday morning, The Lido is looking great, not a cloud in the sky. Swam 10 lengths, I wish I had the day off. Never mind, summer holiday looms... Handed in duathlon application form.