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Hampstead Heath Duathlon 2014

My third attempt at the Hampstead Heath Duathlon . Beautiful sunny morning. Started too fast at The Lido, I could barely swim today. Made up for it in the running stages. Very hard, very elated afterwards. Three and a half minutes faster than last year and eight minutes better than the year before. I'll win it before I'm 90. A massive thank you to the organisers and volunteers. Big love to my friends and family who came to cheer me on.

Mixed Pond

Water temp: 16 degrees   Another beautiful Hampstead Heath Saturday morning with my dear friend Jo. 

Parliament Hill Fields Lido

Water temp: 18 degrees Grey and overcast 'summer's day' afternoon. Thought I'd swim a mile and get fit for this Sunday's duathlon. Way, way too cold, still not acclimatised. Wimped out after 14 lengths.

Highgate Men's Pond

Water temp: 18 degrees Home from wild swimming adventures in Spain. August huh? At least it's stopped raining for five minutes. Big lap in preparation for this weekend's duathlon. Great to be home. Lido tomorrow I reckon.

El Salto de Poveda, Spain

We spent the afternoon eating, exploring and jumping off the bridge in to the cool waters of El Rio Tajo. Too good to be true. New arrivals stand terrified clutching the bridge whilst their friends and family chant their name until they jump. If you don't jump quick you'll get a load of strangers joining in  the chant. There's a waterfall just downstream, I promised myself that I would explore further next year...  My son met some chicas and played cards with them for most of the afternoon.

Laguna de Taravilla

This is probably the most beautiful place that I have ever had the pleasure to swim. If you stare at the photo long enough you'll hear the rushes blowing gently in the the warm breeze. Take care.  

Piscina de la Fuente del Cura