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Parliament Hill Lido

Parliament Hill Lido
Beautiful sunny morning.

OK, the pool is getting warmer. Place seemed pretty busy when I arrived. I counted 13 people in the water and 30 people in total.

Took me a lot less time to get in than last week. I still love the feeling of when you jump in and hit that mid air point of no return. Still cold but I knew what to expect this week. Swam a very enjoyable 12 lengths.

Overheard couple:

Her: Are you enjoying your swim

Him: No. It's cold, it's really cold. I'm never going to enjoy it even tho' I'm expected to enjoy it. What makes it worse is you asking me if I'm enjoying 'my swim'. 

Men's showers being repaired so it was unisex wash week. Very strange.

Parliament Hill Lido
I hope it's sunny next week.