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Men's Pond

Men's Pond

Water temp: 22 degrees

Post-work swim. A hot, sunny, cloudless day has just turned in to a plain old hot day as I arrive at the Men's Pond, no sun to be seen anywhere, just one big, massive bank of clouds. Hey ho, mustn't grumble.

I sit for ages in the changing compound watching the comings and goings. It strikes me that the pond swimmers are a mixed old bunch, you could never identify one in a crowd. You can spot a rugby player by his neck or a golfer by his clubs. Who knew that the short, pot bellied Chinese gentleman is a wicked diver.

I feel lethargic after a lunch time run. Eventually I get it together to swim. On the far side of the pond a group of Japanese tourists lean over the fence and take photos.

As I finish my final lap two gentlemen enter the water. The first dives in and the second lowers himself backwards down the steps. "You're clearly a big fan of rear entry" the first gentleman exclaims. It's that kind of place.The sun comes out briefly again just as I leave.