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London Marriott Hotel, County Hall

Score: ۞۞۞۞۞

Now here's posh for you. Birthday swim down at County Hall, ex home of the GLC and Ken Livingston, now a sumptuous hotel and sports/spa club. Amazing Thames view over The Houses of Parliament on one side and The London Eye on t'other.

Delicious pool, lovely showers, complimentary towels and robes. DD and I had the place to ourselves for most of the morning. Swam 90 lengths, two for each of my years on the blue planet, then four more for he's a jolly good fellow. Tried to remember each of my birthdays as I went, got fixated with Fes (Morocco) on my 20th for some reason.

Forgot to check if those palm trees are real or plastic.

Thank you my darling. Can't pay won't pay.

Lunch in sunny Covent garden. Nice.