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Manor House Hotel Guildford

Score: ۞۞۞۞۞

Happy Birthday present to me. Night in a hotel, three course dinner, breakfast and 'cos she loves me the hotel has a pool, not the biggest pool in the world, 15 metres, but who's complaining.

Fuelled by a lunchtime bottle of cava and some hotel chocolate chip biscuits I entered the pool. Nice and empty apart from a couple in the jacuzzi, they're definitely having sex when they get back to their room. Quick mental arithmetic time, 107 lengths makes a mile. If I'm going to take any benefit from this I won't push when I start a new length. Good idea, I crashed my push bike last night and my leg still hurts (my ear is starting to go purple sprouting broccoli colour, don't ask).

Place is as hot as hell, I swim on the left side of the pool, the water is well cloudy, I can't see my hands in front of me, I like to see my hands when I swim, I can't even see my girlfriend. After about 40 I'm not really enjoying this, but I should cos it's my birthday lengths, I switch to the right hand side of the pool near the window and all the natural light. That's much better. I'm starting to enjoy my luxury birthday present. Weekend couples come and go, I drift up and down on my way to 111 luxury lengths.

Quick jacuzzi, even quicker visit to the steam room and ice bucket which misses most of me later, we retired to our room.

Nice dinner, salmon and green beans, apple crumble and custard.

Lovely view across the North Downs just around the corner form the hotel. Silent Pool is close but not close enough.

Great staff.

Thank you my darling.