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Prince of Wales, Kentish Town

Rather than learning from Monday's mistake of turning up at 6.30 and being dismayed at the amount of people in the pool, I returned on Friday at 6.30pm hoping that people still went to the boozer after work. Spot on, half as many people, the hairy bloke in the middle lane stank of booze, maybe he had a little bottle of something stuffed down his speedos, mixing pleasure with pleasure.

I've run out of photos of the building, I should really take some of my own, here's a photo of the lockers, inspiring stuff.

Oh yes, I did swim, I swam a mile again. My body felt really stiff, I went back to doing bootcamp again yesterday. The middle lane was a bit macho so I ended up swimming in the slow lane. I always do a couple of lengths of breaststroke in the slow lane, unless it's a quiet pool and someone new comes in. Then I feel obliged to show them I'm actually a half decent swimmer and swim a bit of frontcrawl, just so they know.

It's been raining a lot. Quack.