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Highgate Men's Pond

Water temp: 20 degrees

After a successful book buying spree on my Vespa up-west and despite the melancholy weather, I felt a quick dip was in order. I'd been to Covent Garden and Piccadilly so Oasis would have been logical, but somehow lane swimming with a load of machos wasn't doing it for me. Besides the ponds are free, especially with my all inclusive season ticket, not that I've ever paid.

Weather got more miserable the closer I got, one way or another I was gonna get soaked.

Two laps of the pond. Three boys practised their dives off the springboard. In the changing bit (it's not a room) a boy asked his Dad if Cruyff was better than Zidane, good question.

Sped off to GF's for total soakingtons and loads of curry and nice with the European ladies.