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Parliament Hill Lido

Water temp: 14 degrees

That's right folks, 14 degrees. It's the most beautiful morning ever witnessed, I get up pretty early for a Saturday and I'm at The Lido at 11:15. The pool temperature sign which foretells me of my fate fills me with a sense of fear and excitement. So, I set myself a target of 10 lengths, if you're lucky, I should really get in first before making such bold predictions.

The staff and the regulars have congregated outside the café for end of season corporation croissants and coffee, I'll join them after a few lengths. I dive in, yes it is very cold but I can deal with that, I will warm up. I turn on the style.

At length nine or ten I realise that it's not that cold, or the cold has numbed my senses, whichever, the voice inside me determines I'm going for the end of season mile.

Cold and elated I lie on the side at the shallow end, panting, swirling, exhilarated. A rubber clad female swimmer tells me I am hardy, I feel out of my head.

Lovely day, great summer at The Lido.