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Hampstead Heath Pondathon 2012

Photo: Laura Nolte
Axxa and I met at The Lido at 8am, which is in it's way a remarkable achievement, I've known Axxa a long time, we're more used to tripping and stumbling around Glastonbury or falling in/out of parties at 8am.

Brief overview of the Pondathon. Three lengths of The Lido, run to the men's pond (one lap swimming), run to the ladies' pond (one lap of), across to the mixed pond (one lap of), high tail it to the running track.

Now, I really did this to swim in the ladies pond. OK, I didn't get much time to check it out, I felt very honoured to be there, it's a very special place.

That's us in the blue and black swimming hats, swimming not wading.

I really enjoyed the race, not sure what our time was yet, but I'll definitely do it again next year. A big thank you to the organisers and a well done to everybody who took park.

Photo of ladies' pond: Laura Nolte