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Parliament Hill Fields Lido

Water temp: 16 degrees

Numbers. My chest feels tight and wheezy as I sit at the deep end soaking up some early Friday evening rain. It took me a long while to finally get my act together, I'll be lucky if I manage 15 lengths today I thought to myself.

After 15 laborious, but sort of enjoyable lengths I decided that I could manage 5 more. Twenty? If I can do 20 then I might as well swim 27, a mile. Twenty-seven? That's almost twice as many as I've done already, let's see how we get on. Puffing and panting I reach 27 lengths and leave the pool. Numbers. When I grab my shower stuff and turn to walk to the shower there is only one important number, zero, the number of swimmers in the pool. The pool is empty with 15 minutes till closing time. I jumped back in and swam some more and thought about more numbers.

Photo: nikvestberg