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Mixed Pond

Slightly overcast Saturday morning post-Parkrun swim. I feel great this morning. No boozing for a couple of weeks, I've done some good runs and my leg feels just about normal. Time for the last Saturday morning Mixed Pond swim of the summer.

The cool water makes me gasp. I swim powerfully up the pond in an attempt to keep warm. From the bank GB shouts a compliment about my dive, you can shout that as loudly as you like mate. I chat to a genteel lady from Mill Hill about her husband's health, the benefits of your children learning languages and the old London telephone exchange names, ours was Gulliver, I still have the Bakelite phone. If you're too young to understand...

I swam about four lengths and clambered out feeling rejuvenated, alive.  I watched and laughed as two wetsuited swimmers abandoned their rubber coating and swam as nature intended.

A fantastic start to the day.