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Parliament Hill Lido

Water temp: 19 degrees

Sunday morning swim. The weather can't really make up it's mind this morning. No clues given.

I bump in to an old friend, she's making her annual trip to The Lido, she's leaving it a bit late, she couldn't make up her mind whether to go for 40 degree vikram yoga or take her chances with the steely cold of The Lido."I must be mad" she exclaims before heading off on her aquatic odyssey.

I power up and down occasionally enjoying the heat from the sun on my back as it darts in and out between the clouds. I swim 20 lengths and decide that's enough. The Lido summer season ends in a couple of weeks, my season ticket expires in mid November.

As I'm getting changed the heavens open. I seek refuge from the deluge in the cafe.

I bump in to my old friend again at the exit, despite a scalding shower her lips are tinged with blue and she's still shivering. I offer her my coat and walk her to the bus stop.