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Men's Pond/Lido

Monday morning delights with The Swimmer regulars Graham and Dan, aka The Northern Lights
(Winter is Coming).

We meet up in Fleet Road. Graham immediately asks bewildered strangers if they want to come swimming over the ponds with us. Come to think of it, that's how I met Graham in the first place. We run to the top of Parliament Hill then onwards and upwards to The Spaniards, Kenwood and our first port of calling, The Men's Pond.

Lifeguard Dan waves at me from the warmth and sanity of his hut as I tiptoe across the jetty. Swimmer Dan wastes no time getting in the water closely followed by Graham. Last again. I perform my customary, if not legendary, sprint to the perimeter rope, pausing briefly to take in the beauty of it all, then return to shore in a huffy-puffy-breaststroke kind of way.

We're not satisfied with one swim so it's off to The Lido. Water temperature? It's a balmy 5 degrees, cool. Dan's in first again. Graham and I opt for a majestic dive. It's not that cold you know. We swim a couple of widths (big widths mind you) and head for the scalding hot showers.

Much fun was had by all. We three vow to meet again next week in thunder, lightening or in rain, maybe.