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Parliament Hill Fields Lido

Water temp: 19/20 degrees

Good news - the summer has made a comeback. Bad news - I have Bell's Palsy, the right side of my face is completely paralysed, it happened on Friday night, I spent four hours in The Royal Free A&E. I don't know the cause. I'm on steroids, I feel disorientated and a bit pissed off. I'd smile but I can't.Hopefully I'll be back to normal in a few weeks...

I'm supposed to be doing the Dart 10K swim this Sunday, I wasn't that bothered about doing it, I tried to sell my ticket a while ago. However, I'm now absolutely determined to do it. I'm going to go to The Lido and swim as many lengths as is humanly possible. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. I am Poolside Palsy.

It's a really beautiful afternoon, perfect in fact, the water is lovely. I can swim but as half my mouth is paralysed I get water in it and it's difficult to spit out. I try loads of different techniques, I even swim breaststroke. I take a break and chat with Gee, she suggests using a snorkel, that could work. I try and swim a hundred more lengths but give up at 14. I shrug and raise an eyebrow in defeat, I will buy a snorkel tomorrow.

I spend an hour sitting in the sun before heading home for kedgeree and England v. Switzerland.