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Highgate Men's Pond

What a difference a day makes.

Water temperature: 20 degrees

Whoa. Where did all those bodies come from? Ram-a-dam-a-ding-dong. Somewhere elegant I suggest. There must be a 1000 people outside on the grass. Someone has erected a couple of Union Jacks in the tree, come on, please.

Despite the heaving, oily masses outside, the changing area is half empty. Despite lots of activity on the jetty and the springboard, there are only 30 people in the water. That's a fairly small number considering the amount of people outside, I wonder why more people don't swim, I'm not complaining, I hope they can swim.

Water is lovely, feels cooler than yesterday even tho' it's 2 degrees warmer. Swam a couple of laps, lazed around in the sun for 20 minutes chatting to me Mum on the phone.

Pints in The Steeles with J afters.